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Navigating The Immigration Process: How Immigration Works In The U.s.

America has long been referred to as the “Land of Opportunity,” and that reputation holds true today. Immigrating to the U.S. can provide freedom from religious or cultural persecution in one’s home country even as it opens up additional avenues for education, better jobs, and so much more. Of course, that does make the U.S. […]...


Immigration News In The U.s. – Fall 2017

Immigration is a hot topic in the news these days. See what some of the latest headlines say about immigration law and the people it affects. DEFENSE ATTORNEYS PROTEST OUTSIDE BROOKLYN COURTHOUSE AFTER ICE CUFFS ONE LAWYER’S CLIENT New York Daily News An illegal immigrant was arrested by federal authorities from a courthouse. He was […]...


How To Transfer A Deed After A Death

A death in the family is often more work than grieving alone. As the surviving family mourns the death, there are usually quite a few business transactions to take care of too. If the deceased person was the last living person living in their home, the surviving will need to transfer the deed of the […]...


What Does Temporary Protected Status (Tps) Mean?

During the fall of 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced they will no longer support Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for people from Haiti, Nicaragua, and Honduras. Our team of immigration lawyers is here to explain a little bit more about TPS and what the revocation of it means specifically for the people […]...


How To Transition From A Green Card To Naturalized Citizenship

Immigrants have the opportunity to have access to all of the same rights as people who were born in the United States, including the ability to vote. This is through a citizenship known as Naturalization. Naturalization status is determined by a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officer. Since it comes down to the decision […]...


Is It Worth It To Get A Family Lawyer?

Is it worth it to hire a lawyer to help you settle family matters? Things like divorce, separation, mediation, and child custody can all be settled outside the courtroom, for the most part. However, can they be settled successfully without lawyers involved? Our answer may surprise you (since we are family lawyers). We do believe […]...


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